We know, in Digital Products and Marketing

is not easy


Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 21,
1017 RP, Amsterdam

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Services for next gen brands

Our clients usually come to us for:

and / or

and design systems

Branding & Brand Design Systems, Product Design Systems, Digital Experiences, UX/UI, Images, Videos, Motion Graphics, and SFX.

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Content, Marketing, Lifecycle, Website, or CRO Automation Tools. Proprietary, white-labeled, or fully custom.

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Models, Pricing & Solutions

Short-term/One off, Long-term; and 4 models for your current stage


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Featured Services:


Amplified SAAS PLG

Design systems and custom tools for digital products in Product-Led Growth phase.

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Custom content creation tools

Tailored to your brand, our proprietary self-serve content generation tools unlock the scale of your operations and streamline content production.

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Models, Pricing & Solutions

Short-term/One off, Long-term; and 4 models for your current stage


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Why we've built genbrand.design?



We love design, code, and automation, and we are really good at it.


Companies and founders are the best at building their core product and a culture around it. However, during the growth and scale phases, the marketing team in scale–ups and enterprises—including Growth, Brand, and Product Marketing—often becomes overly rigid, bureaucratic, and expensive. This shift in team dynamics frequently results in a structure that is slow, heavily reliant on manual labor, and hinders other teams from launching and iterating quickly.

For example, recall the previous year and how many times you couldn't release an announcement (LP, Blog page, Post) because it was missing just a couple of product feature images or cover visuals, or you were battling a CMS that was okay in the late '90s but not in 2024.

We see that in almost all companies, whether new or established, teams lack centralized, semi-automated governance of brand assets and procedural pipelines for video creation. Marketing assets are not seamlessly and programmatically connected to design system tokens and templates, leading to inconsistencies in branding and visuals. This becomes particularly challenging when the company needs to update touchpoints at scale, such as a set of key landing pages all at once.

Surprisingly, mathematically accurate representations of chaos can illustrate company processes during growth phases or decision-making trees during pivots.

To be clear, marketing team can define your success or failure in the future (see numbers below). However, without a certain level of automation, they are forced—or force themselves—to produce a spectrum of deliverables under the pressure of short timelines and other teams depending on them, instead of evolving communication systems, GTM strategies and brand equity.

Is it radically different in your company? We would love to hear your story of success. Send us an email at champions@genbrand.design and we will make a feature interview or a podcast about your team.

It is what it was

Growth tag:

In high-growth SaaS businesses, sales and marketing represent one of the largest expense areas, often accounting for 50 percent or more of revenue. At the same time, leaders of SaaS companies with revenues exceeding $500 million are increasingly looking to accelerate digitization within marketing and sales. These efforts aim to reduce costs from 40 percent of revenue to 20 to 25 percent, thereby streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency.

While the strategic approach will determine whether businesses remain competitive, the only remaining questions are: how and where are companies looking for optimization, and how quickly can they integrate changes into their models?

50 employees



ARR spendings on marketing and sales:



Average ARR allocated to marketing:



Annual revenue allocated to visual content-
and almost always hands-on production.



Tight spans of control:

Another factor impacting velocity and net revenue is the significant disproportion between management and hands-on individual contributors (ICs) within marketing teams in SaaS and enterprise companies, typically existing in a ratio of 1 direct manager to 3 ICs. This imbalance obviously leads to high expenses and increased layers of friction.


Real case (Client: NDA): Leadership decides to increase production, so they hire more designers, leading to more management and additional layers of friction, resulting in a loss of efficiency multiplication. Consequently, from the leadership's perspective, there is not enough boost in production. How to resolve it? Hire more designers, add more managem... You get the picture.

Our solution:

We've built GenBrand to create visual languages, product & digital experiences, and to optimize production with centralized design systems governance, procedural pipelines, and semi-automation proprietary tools. This approach unlocks high velocity and consistent reduction in price per deliverable, while maintaining the top-tier quality of content.

Scaling is not easy.

It never was and never will be.

But what we can still do is: 1. Lower your cash burn rate, and 2. Take over or semi-automate your marketing production to give your company an asymmetric advantage in the market and the time needed to scale and grow.